Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whole Foods Lunch

   They call it "Whole Paycheck" for a reason. It's so gorgeous and fun to go to "Whole Foods" but so freaking expensive. But look how pretty! (Yes, I find grocery stores "pretty")

I love that they have organic, local handmade soups and they make anything into a "cake" (example: crab cakes, shrimp cakes, salmon cakes, risotto cakes, and spinach and feta cakes) The only one I would actually eat would be the spinach and feta (though I have lactaid issues, I can tolerate goat milk, which grosses me out to think about because it came from a goat... and goats are creepy(SEE!)
but I love the taste of it, so I ignore the fact that it comes from the dude above and think of it coming from some cutie like this:

So here is the "cake" display! Isn't it pretty:
   So I'll admit, though I love that they have handmade soap and "cakes" of many kinds, but I don't actually buy either of those things. I do, however, slather massive amounts of the lotion and body splash testers all over my body, and end up smelling like a walking flower basket and fruit bowl. Truthfully, I just go to see what's going on and buy Amy's and Kashi frozen foods, for lunches at work.
   There are 3 "Whole Foods" in my general area, but I'm picky and only like two of the three. I'm in love with one of them, so my mom and I trekked up there. Side note: The most amazing "Whole Foods" I had ever gone to was in Pasadena. A's twin brother, D, took us there. There was an ESCALATOR in the "Whole Foods". So anyway, my mom and I ate lunch. She got BBQ, a cheeseburger that she said was good. I got the salad bar, I call "salad bar" but really I just put a bunch of random crap on a plate and eat it:
And a mixture of some black and pinto beans with a bit of mashed potatoes. Don't judge.

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